Mechanics at SC always want to do additional work by adding additive fluids, performing flushes, etc. Do they really work?

gambar hiasan
Aftermarket Engine Oil Additives
According to the manufacturers of these additives, their products are supposed to lubricate parts of the engine and improve fuel economy/performance, restoring worn engine, increasing engine life, quietening the engine, clean build-up off of the components... bla, bla, bla... (blawok, blawok, blako) !!!
However, there is little independent research that supports the effectiveness of additives. The fact is they are totally useless and in many cases actually detrimental or damaging to the engine and even void car warranty.
According to lubricant experts, oil additives are the modern version of snake oil sales that misled consumers into believing that their products offer increased engine protection and performance when added to the oil.
Aftermarket Fuel Additives
Fuel we buy, is already properly blended with the necessary additives. Fuel producers had spent million if not billion of ringgit on R&D for the best formulation.
Adding any other fluid to the existing fuel may disturb the delicate balance that the refineries have deliberately worked to establish. It’s basic but complex chemistry - establishing all of the necessary characteristics for optimum combustion. There is no magical elixir that is designed to make your engine magically become more efficient and powerful.
I hope no one is insane enough too - to add vitamin-like tablets into his car fuel tank!
I hope no one is insane enough too - to add vitamin-like tablets into his car fuel tank!
ATF Additives
Again the answer is NO. Transmission oil recommended by the car manufacturer is essential and will give fantastic service all on it’s own. No help required from the aftermarket vendor!
The same is applied for other additive fluids for the radiator, for non-MFbattery and for brake fluid. The only "additive" that you can use is that blue liquid for the wiper washer tank...
Read also "3 Additives Your Car Doesnt Need"
Read also "3 Additives Your Car Doesnt Need"
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